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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

One Day At A Time

Hi! I’m DD and I’m a compulsive planner. I admit it. I have lived most of my life in the future, thinking about what comes next. I come from a family of compulsive planners; it’s just the way we roll.
For the most part, being a planner has served me well. Not only did living in the future help me structure my life and get things done, it helped to contain my anxiety.  When I planned and made lists, I had the belief that life was under my control.

Until now. This coronavirus situation has shown me a lot of things. Like – there really are no borders anymore – we are one world in the face of this pandemic. That there is beauty and generosity in the face of adversity, as well as greed and stupidity. And that really nothing in life is completely under our control. All of our lives are in the hands of our Higher Power.
None of us know when normal life will return. What I DO know is that program gives us tools to deal with this troubling time. I now see the wonderful wisdom of the program saying, “One day at a time”. These 5 little words are the most valuable approach to this challenging time that I have found. The Acceptance Prayer is at the top of my list of prayers to say, multiple times every day. And the telephone is now not just a tool, but a lifeline to keeping program and abstinence at the forefront of my mind.
We are so fortunate to have this community of fellows as a support right now. Acceptance, love and patience are the gifts we can give to ourselves and to each other.