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Friday, June 19, 2020

Experience, Strength and Hope Today: The Set Aside Prayer

I first heard about this prayer from a fellow in another 12 Step program. He told a story of how my husband, many years ago, shared a prayer with him.  My husband was fresh out of prison and with racially segregated ways, from both of them, this man typically would not have been a friend.  With recovery, our hearts and minds open to new experiences and people and so they became friends.  That was 21 years ago.  The prayer my husband shared is this:

“God, please help me set aside everything I think I know about myself, my addiction, the steps, the fellowship, and especially you; for an open mind and a new experience with myself, my addiction, the steps, the fellowship, and especially You. Amen.”

Recently, I kept insisting to a sponsee that she read and memorize this prayer after another relapse.  It stayed in my mind, very applicable to her.  And, of course as it usually works, I started to see how the prayer was actually, exactly what I needed.  I printed a copy and hung it up by my work desk.  When I notice it, which is several times a day, it reminds me that I am never finished learning, that my HP is in charge of what I learn, how I learn and when I learn it.  Last night, in my home group meeting, we read the 6th step and there it was again, reminding me to seek my higher power’s ideals and timing for me and my growth.  I am grateful for my husband and his friend sharing this prayer with me.  I am a retread, coming back to OA after several years away, thinking I had it all together.  Today, I seek to have humility and freedom because I don’t have to do life perfectly and I get to never stop growing and learning.
