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Monday, July 6, 2020

First Things First!

[Written by an OA member at a writing meeting]

I am grateful for those who have reminded me of today's meeting while searching for volunteers to participate. I was actually going to skip the meeting in order to help a friend on my day's agenda. Then, God "bonked" me on the head. First Things First! 
My life these past two weeks has gathered downhill steam. I'm getting restless sheltering in place but have been in acceptance. Family issues have arisen contrary to my liking or what I think is right. A decision by my son worries me. I am brought back to "Acceptance is the answer today." I have to "Live and let live." Though, of course, I have all of the answers and of course, the right ones. No one is asking for my guidance.

My own health is waning. My body image obsession seems ever present. So, today, I planned to plug up some of these holes in a leaky dike. I am so grateful that I rearranged my schedule in order to make this meeting a priority.

I am playing with fire by Edging God Out (EGO) and making plans to fix all these things by myself. Then, I'll attend meetings and give attention to my abstinence. WRONG!! This is definitely the "cart before the horse."

Thank you God, for this meeting, for all of you here to support my program and for the timely text last night. 

-Lisa Y.