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Friday, August 14, 2020

Feeling Alone

I don’t talk about this to anyone. I am feeling so alone lately. I know I am not alone. My God is always with me. I know I have guardian angels, most likely those dear ones of mine who have crossed over already but who still carry affections for me as I do for them.

This aloneness is just a feeling, a disquiet that runs under the ordinary activities of my days like an underground river. It is full of shadows and remembrances that have not surfaced in a long time.

I consider the uncovered memories. Are they appearing because they have a purpose?  Is there an amends I need to make? Have I seen growth since that long ago time?

I ask God “What am I to learn from this?” I wait in silence for the answer. I want to add, “Please help me learn what I am to learn quickly so I can hurry and get over this feeling!”

But time is a human trait, and I must be still and allow the Great Potter to mould me for I am the clay.

I look back on my life. I’ve always been impatient. Have I come along at all in developing more patience?

It doesn’t matter. I strive as I can and trust my powerful God to do the rest.

In gratitude,
