When I began working with my present sponsor, she had me set up a morning routine which included three pages of free-association writing every day. In the interim, I've come to appreciate starting my day with my morning pages.
Our Journal of Recovery from Compulsive Overeating (Overeaters Anonymous Foothill Intergroup-OAFIG)
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Monday, September 21, 2020
Thoughts on "A Vision"
-- A Vision for You, Alcoholic Anonymous Big Book page 164
What a beautiful sentence, so inclusive. When I came into program I felt excluded on so many levels in my life. I never received an invitation to the ‘Skinny Club,’ the ‘Eat Whenever and Whatever I Wanted to Eat Club,’ the ‘In Crowd, Always Successful Club,’ the ‘No Problems were Unsurmountable Club,’ the ‘I Want to Be Your Friend Club,’ the ‘Get Picked First on a Team Club,’ and so on.
I was in the ‘Yo-Yo Diet Club,’ the ‘Weight Loss Failure Club,’ the ‘Hearing Friends, Family & Doctors say ‘it would be so much better if you lost weight’ Club,’ etc. etc.
“We shall be with you in the fellowship of the Spirit.” What did I hear – you wanted to be my friend even if we never met or per chance meet, you would consider me a member of the fellowship and part of the group ‘trudging the Road of Happy Destiny?’ The answer is yes!
I thought, "What Happy Destiny?" as I came into the rooms. You mean there is something to be ‘Happy’ about in OA?
Yes, I learned I had a 2 fold illness, an obsession of the mind and compulsion of the body! You mean it wasn’t ALL MY FAULT? I could stop belittling myself as a weight loss failure? Yes!
And, if I worked our program and Step 1, know I was powerless over this disease, I could feel Happy? Yes! I could then take Steps 2 and 3 which led me to willingness and acceptance that God had the power necessary to relieve me of the disease of compulsive overeating, if I accepted God’s help on a daily basis. If I worked the rest of our Steps, used our Tools of Recovery I could find happiness and joy living a sane abstinent life, one day at a time. Count me ‘IN’ to living this new way of life!
I can share living ‘in the Spirit’ with other compulsive eaters even the ones I’ve never met as we ‘Trudge the Road of Happy Destiny’ one moment and one day at a time.
Thank you Higher Power! By S.D.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Relationship With My Higher Power
I try to (on a daily basis) see that I have a relationship with my Higher Power (HP).
Yesterday, while volunteering at a coronavirus test-site, my HP gave me a new way of staying in 'conscious contact' and not going negative.
At several points while volunteering I would notice negative feelings about or towards myself or others. This was because of fear or because of frustration that things weren't going my way. I thought for a second and my HP revealed to me that when these 'negative' moments occur, that is really my HP saying "Hi" to me and advising me that my HP is there and present. So, instead of being scared, fearful, angry, frustrated, etc., I get to remember that my HP is using my current perceived negative situation to remind me that it's time to say "hello" to HIM. He's knocking on the door and I need to let Him in.
Having learned this, I then decided to pray for - instead of mentally attacking - people at the test-site or going into fear and sulking. I get to do this throughout each day and keep in conscious contact with my HP on a regular basis (even with my imperfections and all).
I know that I cannot fill the void that I was trying to fill with food, but I can let my HP fill the emptiness and imperfection of my humanity. God can do for me when I cannot do for myself and I get to have a great moment with my great HP at the same time.
Bill M.