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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Perseverance: The Principle of Step 10

I link the number of each month to a Step. Then that’s the Step I focus on for the whole month. So, this month, October, is my Step 10 month. I read the Step in both the AA and OA 12 & 12 and ponder the relevant principle. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

It's Not About the Food

The wisdom that resonates with me today is, "It's not about the food." As I have heard in these virtual rooms, "It's about the build up of human emotion." Last week I found myself doing something I hadn't done in months-- thinking obsessively about and craving recreational sugar. When I finally told my sponsor about it, she helped me cut through the mire I was tangled up in. She said "It's not about the food" and told me to write about what was going on in my life.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

What Have I Learned In the Program

Here's another selection from one of our beloved, late program members:

Rickicism No. 13

Since the most prevalent symptom of my disease is to forget what I must do each day, it becomes critical to my personal sense of well-being to start out on the right foot. Consider this contrast in approaches: A person wakes in the morning, goes over to the bedroom window, looks up at the sky and says, "Good morning, Lord!" Alternatively, but using essentially the same words, another person awakes in the morning, goes over to the bedroom window, looks up at the sky and says, "Good Lord, morning!" 

It therefore becomes vital that I start out each day with a reasonably clear objective in mind in terms of my program. Mainly, it is to do some stretching and exercise, eat an abstinent breakfast, and get to a meeting at some point during the day, although frankly, mornings are best for setting the tone for my daily activities. 

So I inquire, what have I gained or lost from the program? For starters, a decent weight loss to date and a sense of serenity that seems to go with the territory; secondly, a lack of concern about the future. After all, today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday, and to my amazement, I find I am still here!